Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Divorce When Your Spouse Earns a Lot More Than You Do

Divorce When Your Spouse Earns a Lot More Than You Do

What do you need to know about divorce when your spouse earns a lot more than you do?  Have you left your career behind or made other sacrifices to help your former spouse complete their education or to raise your children and manage the household?  What actions should you take to protect your own interests and ensure you have the resources needed to move forward while protecting the things which are most important to you?

The good news is Kentucky Family Law provides protections to ensure you have a more level and fair footing throughout and after the divorce.  There are many challenges going into a divorce when your spouse earns a lot more than you do or is a high wage earner.  It can feel very intimidating to face a controlling or strong personality when you feel like you have very little control over finances.  The experienced, proven divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd provide sound advice and counsel to help you prepare.  We work to protect your interests and ensure you have the resources needed during the divorce and in the months and years to come.

One of the most important steps to prepare is to organize copies of all available statements for financial and credit accounts as well as tax returns for the past 3 to 5 years.  This is especially true if your spouse has their own business interest.  If your spouse attempts to limit your access to this information our attorneys can obtain it through the process of discovery and verify important information through the process of interrogatories, mediation and ultimately trial.

What worries you most?  Are you worried about child custody and visitation?  Do you or your spouse own a business or professional practice?  Talk to our team and we will work with you and develop strategies to level the financial imbalance.  We will seek orders to provide important financial and other resources to support you and your children as you work through the process of the divorce.  We work to ensure all aspects of assets, income and retirement are fully and fairly accounted for and achieve accurate valuations.  This preserves your portion of marital property and can provide the foundation for moving through and ultimately past your divorce.  We will seek appropriate child support and maintenance to give you the financial resources necessary to manage your home, children and associated responsibilities.

It can be quite challenging to go through a divorce when your spouse earns a lot more than you do.  This is why it is so important to work with the proven divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.