Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

What to Do to Handle Parental Alienation During and After a Divorce

What to Do to Handle Parental Alienation During and After a Divorce

Do you know what to do to handle parental alienation during and after a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County?  Parental alienation is a term which describes the effort of one parent to damage the relationship between their child and their other parent.  Here in Kentucky, our Courts and the mental health community recognize the dangers of this behavior.  Parental alienation is not in the best interests of a child.  Left unaddressed, parental alienation can permanently damage the child’s well being in addition to the crucial relationship between a child and one of their parents.

So what action(s) should you take to handle parental alienation during and after a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County?

Be Proactive.  It is always in your best interest to attempt to maintain civil communications and a good working relationship with a former spouse when you are co-parenting.  It is even more important to preserve the relationship with your child if you suspect any attempt at parental alienation by your formal spouse.  Do not disconnect from the child under any circumstance.  Attend every important event, activity or occasion in your child’s life from birthdays and holidays to extracurricular activities to parent-teacher conferences.  Share your concerns with our attorneys as well as any important counselor in the child’s life.  Take action.

Document what is happening in real time.  Keep every text, voice mail, e-mail or example you notice.  Make notes as soon as possible after each and every interaction which causes you concern.  Discuss this with a counseling professional or one of our attorneys.  In some cases, the issue is more about left over hostilities than an attempt to sabotage your relationship with a child.  The issue(s) may be resolved through counseling or even mediation.  It is also important to ensure the child is seeing a separate and independent counselor or therapist.  These actions provide the basis for resolution or the evidence to pursue legal intervention.

Seek Modifications of Existing Child Custody and Parenting Time Orders.  The Court is always interested in the best interests of the child.  If parental alienation is occurring the Court will take action to verify the situation and intervene.  The Court may require supervised visitation between the child and the parent attempting alienation.  There may be a need to modify existing child custody and parenting time orders.

The most important element of how to handle parental alienation during and after a divorce is immediate, proactive action.  Parental alienation can cause serious and permanent harm to the child and to the relationship between you and that child.

Protect your child as well as your own interests. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.