Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

How Long Does Child Support in a Louisville Divorce Last?

How Long Does Child Support in a Louisville Divorce Last

How Long Does Child Support in a Louisville Divorce Last? Child support in Louisville or Jefferson County divorce is intended to cover the principle expenses of the child including housing, food, healthcare, clothing and incidentals such as school supplies.

Child custody, parenting time and even maintenance may have an impact upon child support, but these calculations usually are based upon Kentucky’s guideline child support calculator. In a Louisville divorce, child support is ordered to ensure a somewhat level financial playing field with regards to the needs of the child balanced by all other factors.

The duration of child support is usually based upon the “age of majority.” In Kentucky, this usually means 18 years of age or 19 if they are completing high school or some other factor justifies this order. If a child has special needs support obligations are usually extended well past the age of majority.

Child support payments can be terminated earlier if the child gets legally married, enlists in military service or seeks legal emancipation for any other reason.

Child support may be modified after the divorce decree is issued. There are several valid reasons to request the modification of child support from our Louisville family law court. Primarily, the Court will need to see evidence of a substantial change in the “Status Quo.” Has either the payor or the recipient of child support experienced a significant increase or decrease in income?

Generally speaking, the Court is looking for at least a 10% change in income either way before hearing a request to increase or reduce child support.

How long does child support in a Louisville divorce last and what will happen in your unique circumstances? We invite you to review the comments and recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

Learn more about the nature of child support and the requirements to seek modification of child support from a legal team who has represented clients before Louisville Family Court for decades.