Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

How Does Divorce Mediation Actually Work in Louisville?

How does divorce mediation actually work in Louisville?  What do you need to know about mediation as you approach your divorce?  One of the most surprisingly unknown facts about divorce for most people is that the cost of your divorce, as well as the time it takes to complete are directly related to the amount...

How Does Mediation Help Louisville Divorce Cases with Substantial Assets

How does mediation help Louisville divorce cases with substantial assets?  It is true that Kentucky Family Law requires an equitable division of marital assets and liabilities.  How is this complicated when a case involves substantial assets, investments, retirement vehicles or the ownership of a business or professional practice? The key to an equitable division of...

Why Your Spouse May Agree to Divorce Mediation

Are you searching for information to explain how your spouse may agree to divorce mediation?  Mediation is often a private, cost-effective and timely tool for resolving areas of disagreement during the process of a divorce.  It is also a tool which can help to work through any disagreements which arise down the road if you...

The Advantages of Mediation in a Louisville Divorce

What are some of the advantages of mediation in a Louisville divorce?  Why should you consider mediation as part of an effective divorce strategy? The cost and the time it takes to complete your divorce are directly associated with the amount of disagreement between you and your former spouse, as well as your ability to...