Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Should You Wait Until After the Pandemic is Over to File for Divorce?

Wait Until After the Pandemic is Over to File for Divorce

Should you wait until after the pandemic is over to file for divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County?  The number of divorces has spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, here in Kentucky and according to the Wall Street Journal around the world.  Our Courts were closed during the initial months of the pandemic, and while they are currently open there is a substantial backload of cases as well as an influx of new cases.

There are two basic issues to consider if you are certain your marriage is over.  First, if you wait until after the pandemic is over to file for divorce you will be forced to wait another 60 days (at least) before the divorce can be finalized under Kentucky law.  This mandatory waiting period combined with the backlog in cases could extend your case months and perhaps more than a year after the end of the pandemic.

Second, there are strategies outside of Family Court to help you and your former spouse to work through all of the issues contained within the separation agreement, areas of disagreement and ultimately complete the divorce itself.  Our experienced divorce and family law lawyers counsel our clients to prepare for negotiations on issues of disagreement such as child custody and parenting time, maintenance and division of property and assets.

We often negotiate with former spouses and their counsel in order to help reach a timely and cost-effective solution.  Mediation is another cost-effective, private and efficient option to help with resolving differences during a divorce.  A private judge could hear the matter and bring your divorce to completion without having to wait for a backed-up system to catch up.

Should you wait until after the pandemic is over to file for divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County? Not if you are certain your marriage is at an end.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.