Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Considerations When Developing a Child Custody Plan

What are the most important considerations when developing a child custody plan (parenting plan) in a Louisville divorce?  How complex, specific and rigid should an effective child custody plan (visitation schedule) be?  One of the most challenging aspects of many divorces is the resolution of child custody and parenting time.  An effective parenting plan should...

Could a Parenting or Psychological Evaluation Impact Child Custody in Your Louisville Divorce?

Could a parenting or psychological evaluation impact child custody and visitation (parenting time) decisions in a Louisville divorce?  What about a post-decree child custody dispute or move-away / relocation case? Recent studies show 20% of adults in the US are affected by a mental condition requiring medication and in some cases ongoing therapy.  If you...