Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

A Proven Cost Effective Strategy for a Louisville Divorce

Is there a proven cost effective strategy for a Louisville divorce? Most Louisville residents are concerned about the cost associated with a divorce in Louisville and throughout Jefferson County. What is the best strategy to get a divorce in a timely manner and contain the associated costs? The attorneys at Dodd & Dodd are known...

Why Your Louisville Divorce Attorney Makes a Difference

Many Kentuckian's don't know why your Louisville divorce attorney makes a difference in the outcome of your case.  Most Jefferson County filers attempt to begin a divorce without an attorney. Less than half are able to complete their divorce without representation. How can Dodd & Dodd help to achieve a better outcome in a shorter...

How to Keep Your Divorce Less Painful and More Cost Effective

Are you searching for ways to keep your divorce less painful and more cost effective?  The experienced experienced Louisville family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have served Louisville for decades.  We understand the consequences of a divorce upon you and your family.   Is it possible to reduce the stress and emotional burden of a...