Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Manage a Louisville Divorce With a Begrudging Spouse

How do you manage a Louisville divorce with a begrudging spouse?  You may have tried everything from counseling to couples retreats to honest conversations about ending the marriage.  Your spouse just doesn’t want a divorce and you can’t continue the marriage.  What are you supposed to do? The first and most important thing to know...

How Quickly Can I Get Divorced In Louisville

Two questions pop up pretty early in the attorney/client first interview regarding divorce:  How quickly can I get divorced in Louisville and How much will it cost? The Court must have jurisdiction over both spouses for a minimum of 60 days before the marital status can be terminated and before the parties are restored to...

Who Gets the Home in a Louisville Divorce?

Who gets the home in a Louisville Divorce?  We are often asked this question, however there is  no simple answer to the ultimate disposition of your home at the outset of a divorce.  The family home represents many things to both parties in a divorce. There are many components: financial, emotional, impact on the children,...