Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Factors Which Justify Child Custody or Parenting Time Modification in Louisville

What are the factors which justify child custody or parenting time modification in Louisville?  What must happen in order to request a change in these orders during or after your divorce? The existing temporary or permanent child custody and parenting orders reflect the Court’s perspective of “the best interests of the child(ren).”  While these orders...

Can You Earn an Increase in Parenting Time Before and During a Divorce in Louisville?

Can you earn an increase in parenting time before and during a divorce in Louisville?  Are you concerned that your schedule or existing patterns regarding time with your children may work against you? The existing patterns in your participation and involvement in the life of your children prior to and during the divorce can and...

The Experience of Filing a Divorce in Louisville

What is the typical experience of filing a divorce in Louisville? According to recent statistics released by local Courts, a substantial majority of those who file for divorce in Louisville initially attempt to represent themselves. However, divorce in most cases is far too complex to complete without representation.  The actual number of cases who successfully...