Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Are You Upset Your Partner Asked for a Prenup?

Are you upset your partner asked for a prenup before the wedding?  Do you believe this means your relationship is more likely to result in a divorce? It is important for you to know from the outset there is no relationship at all between a prenuptial agreement and the likelihood of a divorce.  In fact,...

Louisville Business Owners Need a Prenuptial Agreement Before Marriage

Do you own your own business or are you in a professional practice?  Are you considering marriage?  Louisville business owners need a prenuptial agreement before marriage to protect their business interests. You’ve invested a lot of your time, hard work, energy, worry, money and courage to start or acquire a business and build it.  Now...

Pre-Planning Before a Second Marriage in Louisville

Why is pre-planning before a second marriage in Louisville an important process?  How can the experienced family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd work with you to protect your interests as you consider a new marriage? Remarriage and blended families are much more common these days here in Louisville and across the nation. What legal...