Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

What Are the Most Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Child Support in Louisville?

Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Child Support

What are some of the most commonly asked questions concerning child support in a Louisville or Jefferson County divorce?  We are often asked about child support related issues during the course of counseling our divorcing clients in Louisville and Jefferson County. There is no substitute for the advice of experienced and proven divorce and family law attorneys. However, here is some insight into commonly asked questions about child support:

How is child support determined? Kentucky has a base child support guideline calculator and this information provides the foundation for most child support orders. Many other factors may be taken into consideration including the needs of each child, the income and lifestyle of the individual parents and even health insurance premiums. The Court will also consider the tax implications of all settlements.

If you have more than one child, is the amount of support equal for each child? The simple answer is “no.” The ages of the children and special needs will have an impact on each calculation.

Is child support based upon salaried income from your primary job, or will other sources of revenue be considered? The Court will consider all sources of income for any party when considering support orders. This will include bonuses and commissions, as well as investment income and other sources of revenue for each person.

Is the recipient of child support required to pay every expense for each child? Absolutely not. Child support is not meant to represent all of the costs annually for a child. It is established to balance any difference in lifestyle that might be caused by different levels of income, and to ensure the best interests of the child continue to be met.

Child support does not include costs such as extra-curricular activities and sports, private school tuition or school uniforms. These items are usually negotiated separately. Child support is generally intended to provide for the basic cost of living.

While these are some of the commonly asked questions concerning child support there are too many to list here. You need your own answers based upon the unique circumstances of your own family.

If you are considering a divorce in Jefferson County or Louisville or are concerned with issues such as child support, child custody and parenting time we invite you to contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.

Your situation and circumstances are unique, and the real answers to most commonly asked questions concerning child support cannot be found or relied upon online.