Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Resolving Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce

Resolving Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce – Temporary, Permanent

Are you searching for information about resolving maintenance in a Louisville divorce?  How is the need for temporary and/or permanent maintenance for a spouse determined and what issues impact the amount of support and its duration?

We are often asked how much maintenance our client is going to receive, or similar questions such as how long will maintenance last?  It is important to understand there are two basic types of maintenance in a divorce here in Louisville: temporary and permanent.  Temporary maintenance is usually awarded toward the beginning of the divorce process and is designed to level the financial ability of each former spouse to hire counsel and manage through the process of the divorce.  Permanent maintenance support does not mean “until death or remarriage.” It simply refers to the final orders issued by the Judge toward the end of the process which will govern the parties going forward and after the divorce is completed.  It may surprise you to hear that temporary maintenance is often higher than the amount of permanent maintenance.

The primary factors which determine the length of maintenance are the duration of the marriage between the parties as well as the sacrifices one spouse may have made (especially as it relates to their career) to support the other spouse and/or children.  Resolving maintenance in a Louisville divorce requires extensive consideration to more than a dozen additional factors established by Kentucky Family Law such as the age and health of the parties, the lifestyle enjoyed by the spouses during the marriage, marketable skills and the capacity of the recipient to become self-sustaining.

Generally speaking, in many cases maintenance is not ordered for longer than a term of half of the duration of the marriage itself.  The purpose of maintenance is to provide a period of time for the recipient to be able to provide for themselves.  Resolving maintenance in a Louisville divorce requires attention to the factors established by Kentucky law and the specific and unique circumstances surrounding the past and future earning capacity of the former spouses.

Are you concerned about whether maintenance will be awarded in your case? We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.